Well, again for the people who are still using version 7.4.5.x of Networker, please note that this is a cumulative hot fix release.
It is release, Build 777.
If you are wondering why should you update your version of NetWorker.
Or with other words, what is fixed in this release?
Cumulative hotfix includes these main new fixes:
NW110457: User generated configuration file deleted during upgrade
esg112392: http://solutions.emc.com/emcsolutionview.asp?id=esg112392
NW110404: mminfo Reports Failed Save Sets As Successful
esg111929: http://solutions.emc.com/emcsolutionview.asp?id=esg111929
NW110555: Directed recovery via nwrecover GUI (Japanese) returns a garbled error message
esg109375: http://solutions.emc.com/emcsolutionview.asp?id=esg109375
NW112726: nsrexecd fails to start when a small service port range in defined in NetWorker
NW113413: jukebox does not return to ready status following a temporary offline state
esg111851: http://solutions.emc.com/emcsolutionview.asp?id=esg111851
I’d like to tag this release files per OS platform, but unfortunately they are around 3.5 GB and I don’t have that reserved space for such occasion.
If you need this release then you can ask EMC support team through the email, or by the “Live Chat” from the EMC Powerlink site.