Month: January 2013
How-to !
NMM 2.4 — Hyper-V Overview and Granular Level Recovery
•How-to !
NMM 2.4 — SharePoint Granular Level Recovery
•How-to !
NMM 2.4 — Hyper-V Cluster Shared Volumes
•NetWorker Releases
NetWorker 8.0 SP1 is out!
•Get ready people of the NetWorker world, NetWorker 8 SP1 is out there in the wild! It is as of today I can say the sun of NetWorker 8 SP1 has raised. The NetWorker 8.0 SP1 software contains the following new features and enhancements. More detailed information on these features is provided in the “EMC…
NetWorker Modules Releases
NMM 2.4 SP1 is out!
•A formal service pack is ready for the people who are using Networker Module for Microsoft Applications (NMM), It might be useful to know that there is a new build release for this version. It is release 2.4 SP1, Build 92. The NMM2.4 SP1 software contains the following new features and enhancements. Windows Server 2012…
How-to !
NMM 2.4–SharePoint Recovery w. Knoll Ontrack
•How-to !
NMM 2.4 — Exchange RDB Item Level Recovery
•Tools & CLI
Networker 8 CLI Reference
•Networker CLI Reference Today I’ve finished editing the command line reference for EMC NetWorker, which include all the CLI’s from version 8.0.1 and some from older versions. All the commands were extracted from a Linux version of NetWorker. If you don’t see any command that you use with NetWorker, then tell me and I’ll be…