NMM 2.2 SP1 Update release

A formal hotfix is ready for the people who are using version 2.2 SP1 of Networker Module for Microsoft Applications (NMM), It might be useful to know that there is a new build release for this version.

It is release 2.2 SP1, Build 123.

If you are wondering why should you update your version to this release. Or with other words, what is fixed in this release?

Cumulative hotfix includes these main new fixes:

NW120793: Restore of exchange database fails.

NW121277: NMM exchange backup for SG consistent failure on Exchange writer release.

NW120858: [RM#73413]Exchange CCR passive node backup randomly fails with the error VSS_E_WRITERERROR_RETRYABLE error code 0x800423f3

NW119512: nsr_moss_save Fails Error: Es existiert keine Website mit dem Namen "/" (It does not exist website with the name "/".).

NW118834: nsradsave fail if the object have an extra slash and space at the end.
couldn’t find the incident link on Powerlink.

NW118267: MOSS Sharepoint item level recovery fails but reports success and no items can be recovered afterwards.
couldn’t find the incident link on Powerlink.

Note for NW118267:
Please note, if the backup has been done in a pre-hot fix build, In case of few lists like “Picturelibrary” and “slidelibrary”, if the list needs to be restored and it does not pre-exist on the SharePoint Site, then the restore also should be done using a pre-hot fix build.

Also please find the below notes:

Backup commands behavior change
(1) nsradsave -i : Even if backup operation failed to backup some corrupted objects , backup  operation status will be"successful" always
(2) nsradsave : If backup operation sees any corrupted objects during backup then it will set backup status to be failed but backup data can be recoverable.

This Hotfix contains these internal versions:
NMM rb_nmm22_sp1 Build 123
PowerSnap   rb_ps_greylock_nmm22sp1 Drop 11 (v2.5.0.nmm22sp1.drop11), Build 18
RMAPI   vmarconisp2rmapiv3_5223.drop2

If you need this release then you can ask EMC support team through the email, or by the “Live Chat” from the EMC Powerlink site.