NetWorker update release

The sixth cumulative fix package is ready and contains fixes for NetWorker version 8.0.

This cumulative hotfix is NetWorker build 224.

Cumulative hotfix includes generally the following new fixes:

NW145197 – Version mismatch messages are repeated in daemon log when NW server is clustered
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing!

NW145349 – nsrexecd crashes after attempting to start nsrd process

NW143373 – A VTL license in not taken automaticaly from LLM
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing! (NetWorker 7.6 and Service Packs Release Notes)

NW141977 – VADP Client backup always run full Image level backup
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing! (NetWorker 7.6 and Service Packs Release Notes)

NW144498 – REGRESS – Repeated "nsrmmd NSR info Set <devicename> block size to…" messages in daemon.log
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing!

NW146508 – NetWorker "loops" while attempting to mount a volume with the VL_DIRTY flag set
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing!

NW143431 – VADP:Restore of VM with NTFS disks with RDM disk fails
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing!

NW137173 – Recovery of a VM with RDM, recovers the RDM to local disk, Requires lots of free disk space on the datastore
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing! (NetWorker 7.6 and Service Packs Release Notes & NetWorker 8.0 SP1 Release Notes)

NW142588 – Savegrp hangs due to connecting to new clients with incorrect RPC version using SSH.
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing!

NW145612 – ESA-2013-001: EMC NetWorker Buffer Overflow vulnerability;jsessionid=DA5AAE84D3114E025AB108FB8A955BDC?docType=1006&clusterName=DefaultCluster&resultType=5002&groupId=1&page=&docProp=$solution_id&docPropValue=emc312933&passedTitle=null

If you need a specific OS binary of this release, then make contact with EMC Technical support, and they will for sure give you the right thing you need.

These packages are also available at:

After downloading the necessary binary, make sure it is the good build!