NetWorker 8.0 SP3 is out!

The NetWorker 8.0 SP3 software contains the following new features and enhancements:

  • Additional platforms supported
    NetWorker 8.0 SP3 includes support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) version 6 SP4 and SLES version 11 x64 SP3 platforms.
  • AutoStart 5.5 supported on Windows
    NetWorker 8.0 SP3 supports AutoStart version 5.5 on supported Windows platforms.
  • vSphere 5.5 not supported for virtualization workflows
    NetWorker 8.0 SP3 does not support vSphere version 5.5. NetWorker 8.0 SP3 supports vSphere 5.1 as part of the NetWorker integration with VMware. vSphere 5.1 requires the NetWorker 8.0 SP1 or later client on the VADP proxy.

    Note: NetWorker 8.0. SP3 ships with VDDK 5.0 U2 build 835872. The NetWorker Software Compatibility Guide provides an interoperability matrix containing VADP Proxy, vSphere and ESX version compatibility with the NetWorker server.

It is release Build 329 includes generally the following reported defects resolved beside some updates:

NW135730 Clone job in Sessions window of NMC changes from cloning session to recover session, and does not get removed until NMC is restarted.
NW143291 NetWorker does not delete the original bootstrap save set from AFTD or DD Boost device when there is a clone of the save set, even if the retention period is expired.
NW147364 Unable to autoconfigure SAS attached MSL 8096 with HP LTO 5 drives.
NW147640 Unable to rescan, reconfigure or delete services without a server service restart because of a VTL licensing error.
NW148101 nsrvddk.exe crashes intermittently causing VM backups to fail.
NW148112 NetWorker is not honoring clone storage node restrictions with DD Boost.
NW148982 After a kernal update, stored NetWorker lockboxes become invalid.
NW149252 VADP backup parser detects second VM as non-NTFS disk.
NW149264 VADP incremental backup with CBT fails if a filename with a multibyte character is backed up.
NW149975 nsrexecd core dumps on HP-UX ia64 after NetWorker upgrade.
NW150439 nwrecover core dumps when performed using Recover GUI on Linux.
NW150658 nsrsnmd core dumps with NW147337 and SuSE Glibc during consecutive library operations to NDMP tape devices.
NW151105 When performing a full image VADP restore from tape, the recovery hangs after RegisterVM.
NW151236 Data is missing from NMC reports.
NW151718 nsrsnmd does not check for duplicate volume names before labelling blank volumes.
NW151803 NMC is unable to drag, drop, or perform single resource editing options for clients created by nsradmin script.
NW151986 During NetWorker backups that use Avamar devices, save consumes 100% CPU.
NW152038 After upgrading, the max sessions attribute restricts the number of authorized sessions.
NW152438 After NetWorker upgrade, many dbsrv12 defunct processes occur.
NW152442 The savegroup parallelism value sometimes ignores the configured group parallelism and is instead runs with a value of 65535.
NW152815 gstd cores when adding Avamar server to the NMC Enterprise list.
NW152829 A lockbox is created in a cluster environment but when performing a failover, the second node cannot open the lockbox because the system hostname key is missing.
NW152883 Include VDDK 5.0 u2 in NetWorker.
NW153293 During restore, a VM recover in a clustered VM setup with a shared RDM disk results in the shared VMDK being deleted and a failed restore.
NW153504 On a NetWorker server, the nsrindexd defunct process is causing the nsrd process to hang.
NW153641 Data Domain devices get unmounted in high load conditions.
NW113507 nsrexecd performs unnecessary DNS name lookups, increasing the load on the NetWorker server.
NW134746 Add new binary nsrclientfix to validate and correct possible overlapping client names and aliases that lead to duplicate client IDs.
NW142505 To improve NetWorker performance, use the WSAPoll() function provided by Windows.
NW148081 Add the nsrwatch switch to display only mounted devices.
NW152971 To facilitate larger planned upgrades, a tool is required to automatically reset all lockbox thresholds.
NW153451 Update NMC Apache httpd to version 2.2.25.
NW153737 Update to include BOOST library.

If you need a specific OS binary of this release, then make contact with EMC Technical support, and they will for sure give you the right thing you need.

These packages are also available from EMC new support website “

After downloading the necessary binary, make sure it is the good build!