NetWorker 8.2 SP1 is released!

It is release, Build 681.

New features and changes in NetWorker 8.2 SP1

The NetWorker 8.2 SP1 software contains the following new features and enhancements, such as:

Recovery from a secondary site to a different vCenter when primary site is unavailable

Starting in NetWorker 8.2 SP1, when you clone a VM or VMDK backup to a secondary site with its own vCenter and VMware Backup appliance, and the secondary site shares the same NetWorker server as the primary site, you can recover data from the secondary site to a different vCenter when the primary site becomes unavailable.

You can select this option in the Restore tab of the EMC Backup and Recovery user interface in the vSphere Web Client.

Dual network support for proxy backup with NetWorker VMware Protection

The NetWorker VMware Protection solution for NetWorker 8.2 SP1 supports dual network configuration so that you can use separate networks for VM backups (for example, proxies deployed to backup VMware environments) and traditional backup data traffic.

You can configure dual NIC when you deploy the VMware Backup appliance and the proxy appliance.

NetApp SnapVault and NetApp SnapMirror replication to remote NetApp devices

The following support for NetApp SnapVault and NetApp SnapMirror operations to replicate data snapshots in 7-mode or cluster-mode to remote NetApp devices is available in NetWorker 8.2 SP1:

– Support covers snapshot creation, snapshot replication, snapshot restore, and rollover of snapshots to tape or VTL storage.
– SnapVault takes a full PiT snapshot and stores only new and changed data.
– The source and destination volumes (qtrees) must exist before you configure a replication. The volumes may be on the same or separate NetApp devices on the same or separate servers, which may be NetApp virtual machines, and both volumes must be in an online state.
– The source volume must be read-writable and the destination volume must be a data protection type.
– You must configure SnapVault and SnapMirror replication policies on the NetApp devices.
– Validate the replication configuration by performing an initial replication operation.
  This makes the replication policies available as selections in the NetWorker client wizard.
– If the snapshot destination volume is written to, the destination becomes the new source volume and the relationship switches.
– To enable data recovery from NetApp replications, you must specify the NSR_MOUNTPOINT_NAME variable. NetApp devices on Linux operating systems cannot use a temporary mount point.
– In-place recoveries and out-of-place recoveries of an entire directory or save set are not supported. You may recover one or more files, provided the files do not make up the entire contents of a directory.
– A snapshot must be restored to a unique destination volume that is not used for other SnapMirror operations. If the same snapshot exists on the destination volume, an incremental restore is performed and the previous snapshot is overwritten.

Secure HTTPS communication with the Cloud server

NetWorker enables you to use https to securely communicate with the Cloud server. You can configure secure https communications when you configure the cloud device in NetWorker.
You will need to retrieve the SSL certificate for the Cloud server before you create a new device or modify an existing cloud device, and then provide the https address and the certificate information in the Create Device window in NMC. The sections "HTTPS communications with the Cloud server" and "Create and label a Cloud storage device" in
the NetWorker Administration Guide provide details.

Environment variable NSR_CLUSTER_LOGDIR added to change the directory location of NetWorker cluster scripts

Log files for the NetWorker cluster scripts get placed by default in the same directory as the NetWorker scripts (/usr/bin). This is because the location of the standard NetWorker log directory (/nsr/log) may change during a cluster failover.
A new environment variable, NSR_CLUSTER_LOGDIR, allows you to specify a new location to store the NetWorker cluster script log files.

Starting NMC by using an SSH connection

You can now use SSH port forwarding to connect to the NMC server and generate reports from an NMC client. The section "Starting the Console by using an ssh connection" in the NetWorker Administration Guide provides the required steps.

IPv6 support for NDMP backup and recovery

Starting in NetWorker 8.2 SP1, you can use IPv6 for NDMP backup and recovery operations.
By default, NDMP backup and recovery will use IPv6 to create the data connection between the NDMP data server and mover server, when certain requirements are met. The section "Pre-configuration requirements for NDMP data operations" in the NetWorker Administration Guide provides more information.

NetWorker and Data Domain DD Boost integration enhancements

NetWorker 8.2 SP1 introduces the following enhancements to the Data Domain DD Boost integration:
* Support added for DD Boost backup and recovery data transport operations over IPv6 compliant networks with supported Data Domain systems.
* Support of DD Boost over fibre channel (DFC) for NetWorker storage nodes on HP‑UX 11i v3 platforms running IA-64 processors.
* Support of Client Direct backup over DFC connectivity for NetWorker clients on HP‑UX 11i v3 platforms running IA-64 processors.

Renaming a NetWorker server by using nsrclientfix

A new procedure allows you to rename a NetWorker server by modifying the /etc/hosts file to add the new name as an alias and then use nsrclientfix to move the NetWorker server to the new name.
The knowledgebase article 196727, available at http:/, provides full instructions.

Fixed Problems in NetWorker 8.2 SP1

The following lists customer reported defects resolved in NetWorker 8.2 SP1.

192086 Recovery fails with block size errors
204353 nsrd cores frequently
192088 Jukebox unusable after a bootstrap save
203401 CBT incremental backup for VADP fails for Czech file name
205743 Nsrvadp_recover crashes for libasm.dll on proxy host
178806 Local user loses privileges after configuring external authentication
202166 Provide ability to restore VMs to a different vCenter
196293 Enhancement in clone framework to replicate additional VMDK files from Avamar mtree to NetWorker mtree
194236 Run nsrindexd diagnostics to understand Client performance issues during Index look-ups
193957 Change IDR maximum to 12
193893 Support for NDMPv4 Connection Address Extension to use IPv6 for data connection
193339 When snapshots are manually deleted then the corresponding mminfo entries should be removed.
192716 Update Configuration wizard messages
183909 Packaging changes to include nsrddsh in server packages
185747 Allow nsrlic to print details of NSR License resource and device licenses in addition to client licenses in a single line format
188113 Include automatic -daily- clientid report with nsrclientfix
183686 Allow NMC to work with SSH tunnels
183103 Windows Logo Certification: NetWorker Management Console Server.msi: ICE61 Errors
182025 Browsing file system from Client Properties doesn’t work for NDMP client of Celerra/VNX/Isilon
180943 Add tool tip to Client Properties Snapshot management page
178221 LDAP enhancement
178123 NetWorker should show active jobs in Monitoring dialog
171176 package nsrpost.exe with windows client package
158996 Enhance nsrndmp_save to use netapp NDMP cluster aware backup extension
147404 Set the scan flag by default for disk devices when running mmrecov
205347 Granular level restore fails with MAPI error "Unable to query MAPI interface"
204012 Save set "all-zfs" does not perform virtual synthetic full backups
202951 RedHat Linux on server reboot does not run NetWorker shutdown scripts.
201422 VADP: nsrvadp_recover cannot recover full VM: Error writing to VMDK: 0 bytes written instead of n bytes
201035 Directed nsrretrieve from another host requires NSR resource administrator attribute privileges
200849 nsrarchive does not produce log/notification output in NW 8.x
200606 nsrsnmd.exe Application error on Windows – most occurrences in cloning and staging
200016 nsrd NSR critical Unable to update the volume cache for volume
199824 Lockboxes not available with every failover on Linux server cluster
198837 nsrmmd core dump
198650 BBB recovered in NMC not working while part of files are deleted in a directory
198227 Data Domain devices get unmounted during savegrp execution
197598 nsrclone command not attributing correct values to ssid’s when -m, -w and –y flags specified on command line
197595 NetWorker server is unresponsive When AFTD devices passed full threshold Networker
197358 Fails to recover older save sets which are backed up using 7.6.x with the latest Build
196955 Resource Group offline sequence hangs in an AutoStart high availability environment
196900 nw_redhat script directs logs to /usr/sbin
196875 NSRserver service transitions to a failed state in an AutoStart high availability environment
195612 NSM nsrbragent dumps core during SAP restore and session hangs
195161 Unable to backup cluster drives since upgrading
194706 VADP Parser crash with heap corruption
194591 With Dynamic MMDs enabled, NSRD assigns NSRMMDs while they are being shutdown, causing clones
194573 NetWorker Cluster – bug in start-script /etc/init.d/networker
194571 NSR_DEV_BLOC_SIZE variable not honored
193861 Aborted VSS Fileset reported as competed in the media DB
193421 Savegroup completion report of an all successful restart job, wrongly reports a number of clients as failed
193944 nsrdr does not show appropriate error message when the NW software is installed on a different location during DR exercise
193551 Disable log mark display to be default in Restore Options
189545 Unable to exclude the scsi path when scanning for devices
161877 Replacing calls to logit function in libblockbased.cpp with networker logging
187852 nsrd hangs up to 1 min waiting for nsrjobd call send_ssninfo_to_jobd hostname:bkpsrva0
153348 Provide ways to control the size of nsrmedisrv.raw file
198160 Server holds the connections to Clients leading to connection limit getting hit on the Server host(Auditlog feature).
197522 Networker client agent install on Linux using –relocate not working
197037 unable to recover CIFS save sets from the RECOVER GUI with error: "not in index"
190880 NMC on Policy group shows abort status even when Policy details shows backup completed
190126 nsrmmd cores
187791 nsrscsi_save fails with invalid raw device path if PowerPath is not configured
192591 nwrecover does not recover all marked files on a file system, mounted within a file system
192814 NetWorker hangs daily
192232 nsrd cores if "verify label on unload" is enabled for DD VTL
187759 Immediate clone hangs if schedule set to skip
192798 Unable to delete volumes residing on a NetWorker 7.6.5.x server via NMC version 8.1.x
193420 Allow recovery of VMs which have non ASCII characters in annotation notes
151235 Permission of some Networker directories should not be world-writable
187916 Running nsrim -X does not delete expired save sets on DD BOOST devices
189804 NMC Group status reports success despite failed NetWorker backup with input/output error
189423 Add to repository operation in Software Distribution does not work for AIX packages
191092 Backup gets marked as failed after server upgrade
188816 Some storage nodes no longer mount volumes after upgrading
187294 Save set all-local fails on Solaris 11 non-global zone backup
186668 Unresponsive nsrsnmd on NetWorker sever causes NetWorker server hang
189189 NMC customization not saved when closed using File > Close
186403 Nsrvba_save daemon intermittently dumps core during backup through a Linux server


NetWorker packages are available at:, under “FULL RELEASE” option

After downloading the necessary binary, make sure it is the good build!