Hi everyone
Well, service pack 3 for NetWorker 8.1 is already release since more than a month and I was too lazy to write something or notify you about it!
sorry for that.
anyway, it is release Build 504.
Until the moment of writing this memo, EMC didn’t release any documents about what is fixed or if there is any enhancements / new features with this service pack. Or maybe I didn’t find it!
This service pack release include the following fixes:
229452 NDMP Single file restores are recovering the entire root (/) filesystem
227375 Incremental blocked based backups cause synth_fulls which run out of connection ports
226873 Reduce name resolving so that it is only used when explicitly needed
225294 Savepnpc commands with level skip hangs backup
224367 Fixes nsrexecd log message for auditlog in scenario where server is renamed, and "server network interface" was set
224265 DB2 suspend time takes too long (more than 140 seconds) under AIX LVM architecture (Double disk size)
223984 Unable to set extended attribute "security.selinux", Operation not permitted
223829 Networker server hangs after stopping nsrexecd (nsrsnmd) on remote storage node
223513 Jobquery cores during DPA 6.1 data collection with NetWorker
223253 Performance issue occurs during SQL restore when bringing up the properties of a database and changing the browse time
223175 Nsrd/nsrmmdbd dead-lock during relabel
222890 Avamar does not delete all save sets even though nsravamar.raw shows them as deleted
206724 Expired cleaning tape (0 uses left) is being used for cleaning
206664 Each time a backup starts for a UNIX/Linux client, NetWorker queries LDAP for root account
206089 Some of the recovery options cannot be chosen in the NMC Recovery wizard
205743 Nsrvadp_recover crashes for the libasm.dll on proxy host
205347 Granular level restore stops on a MAPI error: Unable to query MAPI interface
204598 Nsrstage extends clretent unexpectedly
204353 Nsrd cores frequently
204237 DDBoost devices silently unmount and then report "Expected volume ‘volname.volname’, found volname <name>" error
204234 NMC Recovery wizard returns a blank error box when trying to list volumes for recovery that are offline
204138 Auto inventory of HP MSL libraries does not work
204012 Save set "all-zfs" does not perform virtual synthetic full backups
203703 Increase group name length from 32 characters to 64 characters
203419 Local user loses privilege after configuring external authentication
203401 VADP CBT incremental backup fails when Czech filename is encountered
202951 RedHat Linux on server reboot does not run NetWorker shutdown scripts
202057 DB2 suspend time takes too long to complete under AIX LVM architecture
201604 Replace calls to logit function in libblockbased.cpp with NetWorker logging
201422 Nsrvadp_recover cannot recover full VM: Error writing to VMDK: 0 bytes written instead of n bytes
201035 Directed nsrretrieve from another host requires NSR resource administrator attribute privileges
200849 Nsrarchive does not produce log/notification output
200652 Skips of scheduled clone jobs show as interrupted in NMC after upgrading
200611 Block based backup recovery from NMC Recovery wizard fails with error "Unable to mount the save-set ID ‘SSID’ for recovery"
200606 Nsrsnmd.exe application error on Windows, most occurrences in cloning and staging
200016 Nsrd NSR critical unable to update the volume cache
199954 Data loss 0kb files on DDBoost device
199824 Lockboxes are not availables with every failover on Linux server cluster
199061 NMC does not display the ‘enabled/disabled’ field correctly after upgrading
198837 Nsrmmd core dumps during regular backups
198650 Block based backup recovery in NMC not working while part of files are deleted in a directory
198242 Inconsistency in used space reported in NMC, mminfo and Disk manager for AFTD device
198227 Data Domain devices get unmounted during savegrp execution
198160 Auditlog: Connection limit reached on the Server Host due to Server holding connections to Clients
197619 DDBDA module crashes DB2 when backing up 1000 table spaces
197598 Nsrclone command does not assign correct values to ssid’s when -m, -w and -y flags specified from the command line
197595 NetWorker server is unresponsive when AFTD devices pass full threshold
197522 Networker client agent install on Linux using –relocate not working
197358 NetWorker does not recover older save sets that were backed up using a NetWorker 7.6.x release
197037 Recovery of CIFS save sets from the NMC Recovery wizard fails with error "not in index"
196900 Script nw_redhat directs logs to /usr/sbin
196147 Nsrsgrpcomp does not work with virtual server name
194591 With Dynamic MMDs enabled, NSRD assigns NSRMMDs while they are being shut down, causing backup and cloning failures
193944 Nsrdr does not show appropriate error during disaster recovery when the NetWorker software is installed in a different location
193421 Savegroup completion report of an all successful restart job incorrectly reports a number of clients as failed
192088 Various transient commands will unnecessarily lock the resdb for extended periods of time
192086 Recovery fails with Block size errors
190583 Snmd will not come up on slow systems due to insufficient snmd poll timeout
189545 Unable to exclude the scsi path when scanning for devices
187852 Nsrd hangs up to 1 minute waiting for nsrjobd call send_ssninfo_to_jobd hostname:bkpsrva0
187791 Nsrscsi_save fails consistently with invalid raw device path if PowerPath is not configured
185055 Allow Space Recovery on a disk device (Boost) while other operations (cloning, recovery,and so on) are in progress
181288 Provide ability to dump GSS Auth cache
177322 Block NMM Client push upgrades on machine with GLR feature installed
174929 Reduce name resolving to use only when explicitly needed
171176 Package nsrpost.exe with Windows client package
161877 Replace calls to logit function in libblockbased.cpp with NetWorker logging
132227 Improve save behavior when client network connection lost
If you need a specific OS binary of this release, then make contact with EMC Technical support, and they will for sure give you the right thing you need.
These packages are also available at: ftp://ftp.legato.com/pub/eval/2015Q2/
After downloading the necessary binary, make sure it is the good build!