NetWorker 8.2 SP2 is released!

It is release, Build 926.

New features and changes in NetWorker 8.2 SP2

The NetWorker 8.2 SP2 software contains the following new features and enhancements, such as:

OVA files for the NetWorker 8.2 SP2 VMware Backup Appliances

Networker 8.2 SP2 provides the following OVA files for the 0.5 TB, 4 TB, and external proxy VMware Backup Appliances, in addition to the appliance for upgrading your OVA version.
The following table provides version information for the new OVAs.

File name Description
EBR-0.5TB- NetWorker 8.2.2 OVA for the 0.5 TB VMware Backup Appliance
EBR-4.0TB- NetWorker 8.2.2 OVA for the 4 TB VMware Backup Appliance
EBR-Proxy- NetWorker 8.2.2 OVA for the External proxy that supports EXT4 backup and recovery
EbrUpgradeFrom70To-7.1.62-3.iso NetWorker 8.2.2 ISO file for upgrading the OVAs

If you previously deployed OVA versions, you must apply a patch before upgrading to OVA version When you download the OVA from a document displays which contains the patch links with instructions for installation. After applying the patches, you may then proceed to upgrade from OVA version to OVA version If you are not running OVA version, you do not need to apply the patches and can upgrade directly to OVA version
EMC strongly recommends also upgrading your NetWorker Server and Storage Nodes to Networker 8.2.2.

Removed link suspend during mount operation

NetWorker no longer suspends a consistency group’s continuous replication during snapshot import.

JRE 8 now supported

NMC for NetWorker 8.2 SP2 supports systems running Java Runtime Environment version 8.

Reduced name resolving to use only when explicitly needed

NetWorker 8.2 SP2 reduces name resolving by eliminating name resolving calls that are not directly related to client connectivity.

Notification when trying to add a NetWorker server that cannot be added

In NetWorker 8.2 SP2, a dialog box appears with an error message when you try to add a server that cannot be added for the following reasons:

  • the server is already in the server list
  • the server does not exist
  • the server is not a NetWorker server.

Flag added to nsradmin -C command for NSR storage node check

In NetWorker 8.2 SP2 you can perform a NSR storage node check using the nsradmin -C command with the -s option. NetWorker will look up and ping hostnames for each resource in DNS, and list all devices configured for the specified storage node.

For example, to check a NSR storage node named "charles," type the following:
nsradmin -C -s charles "NSR storage node"

Option added to increase the maximum device limit up to 1024

NetWorker 8.2 SP2 allows you to increase the device limit up to 1024 by setting the macro environmental variable NSR_MAX_DEVICES. In previous releases, the maximum device limit is 750.

nsradmin visual mode supported on Windows

NetWorker 8.2 SP2 adds support for running nsradmin in visual mode on a Windows system.

nsradmin -C checks for hostname mismatches

NetWorker 8.2 SP2 adds an extension to the nsradmin -C command to match the hostname attribute of a NSR peer information resource with the name attribute in a host’s NSRLA resource. This allows you to find clients with a mismatch between the NSR peer information resource and the NSRLA resource.

Flag added to nsradmin -C to correct RAP configurations

In NetWorker 8.2 SP2 you can add a flag to the nsradmin -C command to automatically correct errors in RAP configurations when possible. Use the following command:

nsradmin -s server -p nsrexec -C -y "NSR peer information"

For example, if you specify the command with these variables:

nsradmin -s -p nsrexec -C -y "NSR peer information"

Output similar to the following should appear:
Validate / autocorrect "NSR peer information" resources
Synopsis: For each NSR peer information resource in charles’s
NSRLA database, verify the ‘NW instance ID’ and ‘certificate’
attributes match those found in the peer’s NSRLA resource.
Peer 1 of 1
Instance ID: 6fc4d703-00000004-
* The "NSR peer information" resource for
in’s NSRLA database is out of date. The
"NW instance ID" attribute does not match the one in’s NSRLA resource. To correct the problem,
delete the NSR peer information resource for in’s NSRLA
Matching certificates: Corrected
NSR peer information resources checked: 1
RAP connect errors: 0
RAP query errors: 0
Resource mismatches: 1
Resources corrected: 1
Peers with mismatched certificates/instance IDs: butterball.
Corrections were made to the NSRLA databases of the following
Total errors: 1

LibDDBoost library updated to

NetWorker 8.2 SP2 uses the libDDBoost library version

NSR usergroup check added to nsradmin RAP validation

NetWorker 8.2 SP2 allows you to check for clients in a NSR usergroup configuration to identify hosts with missing or incomplete DNS entries by using the nsradmin RAP validation command:

nsradmin -s server -C "NSR usergroup"

Non-optimized backup recommended for Windows deduplication volumes

Due to recovery performance issues observed with optimized backup for Windows deduplication volumes, EMC recommends non-optimized backup.

When you set the backup to non-optimized, the deduplicated files get rehydrated in memory before they are backed up. This type of backup requires you to enable VSS. If you disabled VSS (for example, by specifying VSS:*=off in the Save Operations attribute), the backup will potentially back up the chunk stores unnecessarily.

To back up the deduplicated volume, EMC recommends using block based backup (BBB) instead. If you still require optimized backup, you can add VSS:NSR_DEDUP_NON_OPTIMIZED=no to the Save Operations attribute to restore settings to the traditional (non-BBB) optimized backup, however EMC does not recommend using this setting as the recovery performance issues may result in an unusable backup.

Added tools in NMM packaging

NetWorker 8.2 SP2 adds two tools in the NMM packaging to improve usability:

  1. A tool to find the required save sets to scan-in for expired/non-browsable save sets.
  2. A tool to recover deleted databases.

Media database snap session ID attribute query-able with mminfo

NMM backups of VSS libraries are stored in the media database with few attributes that are specific to snapshot backups. One such attribute is snap session ID. This attribute has the same value for all backups that are part of the same VSS backup set. In previous versions of NetWorker, the snap session ID attribute can only be reported on, and is not a query-able attribute.

With NetWorker 8.2 SP2, you can query the snap session ID attribute with the mminfo command. This new feature enables you to find all backups that are part of a backup set.

Once you have a snap session ID for one save set, you can find all save sets that have the same snap session ID. This information is useful for scanning in required save sets that have expired or are no longer browsable, and makes the task of finding required save sets much easier.


Fixed Problems in NetWorker 8.2 SP2

The following lists customer reported defects resolved in NetWorker 8.2 SP2.

229347 NetWorker snapshot management DB2 point in time restore does not restore connecting directories’ ACL on AIX.
227615 NetWorker sending save sets to a new storage node before the max session is reached.
227375 Browsing of synthetic full save sets after block based incremental backup uses thousands of connection ports.
227331 Uninitialized scalar variable in nsr/libnsrndmp/ndmp_iface/ndmp_mover.c.
227178 Fix EMC logo in SCVMM
226673 Command line save set recovery of the same data using both a NetWorker 7.6 client and a NetWorker 8.1 client against the same NetWorker server running NetWorker 8.1 takes a long time.
225356 Exchange 2010 SP3 RU5 backups failing.
225294 When savepnpc commands are run with the schedule set to skip, backup stops responding.
224367 If NetWorker is unable to contact nsrd, nsrexecd deletes security audit log resource.
224227 Coverity issue in nsr/libcloud/atmos_api.c
223984 False failure message for NetWorker recover of backup data from an SELinux file system.
223829 NetWorker server stops responding after stopping nsrexecd (nsrsnmd) on remote storage node.
223825 NMM SQL virtual desktop infrastructure directed restore fails because of log numbers out of sequence.
223667 Successfully cloned SSIDs showing less than 100% completion on NMC.
223513 NetWorker server seems to stop responding while DPA 6.1 agent is running on the same server.
223175 nsrd/nsrmmdbd processes dead-lock during relabeling.
222890 Avamar does not delete all save sets although nsravamar.raw shows them deleted.
222789 Exchange 2010 SP3 RU5 backups fail with write error.
222632 NMM Exchange granular level recovery fails with the error "Eseutil Invalid database file path."
222352 Long wait time when bringing up the properties of a database and changing browse time with SQL restore.
206909 The nsrd daemon does not start up in a Red Hat cluster environment.
206781 Error is received from media manager layer during NMDA Oracle RAC backup.
206724 Expired cleaning tapes (0 uses left) are being used for cleaning.
206664 Every time a backup starts for a UNIX/Linux client, NetWorker queries lightweight directory access protocol for root account.
206099 DDBDA module encounters log conflict when implementing multiple SAP HANA databases on the same server.
206089 Some of the recovery options cannot be chosen on NMC Recovery wizard.
205743 Recovery of the FLR enabled full backup of the virtual machine is failing.
205698 RSG is successful on Exchange 2007 host but afterwards user is unable to browse individual items in the mailbox.
205347 Fixed issues with MAPI errors appearing when trying to perform a granular level restore.
204598 nsrstage is extending the clone retention (clretent) period unexpectedly.
204435 When multiple clone copies of the same save set exist at the time of the staging, the clretent attribute of the staged save set is set to match the save set retention period instead of preserving the original value.
204353 After upgrading NetWorker, the nsrd process fails during an index check or backup.
204237 DD Boost™ devices silently unmount, and when mounted again volume names are reported as doubled: "volname.volname."
204138 After upgrading NetWorker, a tape that is inserted into the library is no longer automatically populated into the jukebox slot.
204031 In the Client Configuration wizard for SQL, the AlwaysOn group creates a save set without ":"
204012 Virtual synthetic full backups on Solaris clients fail when the save set attribute is "all-ZFS."
203401 VADP FLR backup fails when multibyte character is reached. *
202057 DB2 suspend time is taking too long (> 140s) under AIX LVM architecture (double disk size).
200652 Skipping scheduled clone jobs shows as interrupted in the NetWorker interface after upgrading.
200611 Block based backup recovery from NMC Recover wizard fails with user permission error.
199954 Data missing from Data Domain after a restore of Oracle database using Recovery Manager and NMDA 1.6.
199691 Local replicated snapshot button is not enabled under Client Creation wizard interface for c-mode local replication.
199061 NMC not displaying the Autostart field correctly after upgrading NetWorker.
198242 Inconsistency on used space reported on NMC, mminfo, and Disk Manager for an AFTD.

197619 DB2 failures during backup of 1000 tables spaces using the DDBDA module on a Windows client.
196147 nsrsgrpcomp does not work when run against a virtual cluster hostname.
196011 Making a copy of an existing clone job in the NetWorker interface always sets the "Include save sets from the previous days" value to one.
193944 nsrdr command does not show the appropriate error message when the NetWorker software is installed on a different location during disaster recovery.
193551 Disable log mark display to be default in Restore Options.
192088 Various transient commands unnecessarily lock the resdb for extended periods of time.
192086 Recovery fails with block size errors.
190825 NetWorker server client parallelism is silently changed to 12 after a restart when the NetWorker server client parallelism is changed to higher than 12.
190583 nsrsnmd will not come up on slow systems owing to too short nsrsnmd poll timeout
185055 Space recovery on a disk device fails when other operations (cloning, recovery, and so on) are in progress.
181288 nsrexecd can only dump a limited amount of nsrauth specific information.
178806 Local user loses privilege after configuring external authentication.
174929 Reduced name resolving to use only when explicitly needed.
161877 Replacing calls to logit function in libblockbased.cpp with NetWorker logging.
158996 Enhancements to nsrndmp_save to use Netapp NDMP cluster aware backup extension.
132227 Improvements to save behavior when client network connection is lost.
230972 Data Protection Plugin for SCVMM gives unknown server error.
230824 Slow performance of Exchange 2010 GLR tasks.
229452 NDMP single file restores are restoring entire root file system, and overwriting original data.
228967 Support added for VDDK 5.5.4 with NetWorker.
228346 Error message when trying to access NetWorker help menu from the user interface.
231660 Tracking issues with Data Domain MTree replication due to bad locality.
227398 When a device detection operation is run using persistent names setting, alerts pop up in NetWorker interface which do not clear until restart.
192149 Data Domain devices unmount with lost connection error.
234214 NMC monitoring duration stays at zero (00:00:00) for manually run backup groups.
233518 NMSQL recovers different data than what is being requested.
233065 Browsing from Exchange 2007’s RSG via NMM 3.0.1 fails and must be canceled.
232892 Device mismatch errors that prevent devices from functioning.
232110 nsrjobd fails while performing Recovery Manager recovery.
231959 NSM’s nsrpsd operation fails when shared directory is set to a non-existing/invalid location during backup operation.
206681 Labeling of blank tapes fail after upgrading NetWorker on AIX.
206213 Library function fails after NetWorker upgrade.
234898 Large SQL database backups fail.
234558 NMM 8.2.1 has immediate failure after starting rmagentps.
237219 NMMedi 8.2.1 backs up the wrong logical unit numbers from a different CLARiiON Disk Library.
236946 Unable to create or edit users in NMC with LDAP authorization enabled.
236788 NMO 3.0 Recovery Manager backups result in an entry in the gstd.raw log file.
236437 nsrauth functions over server network interface fail.
235535 Client and server out of sync, resulting in silently failing backups.
235534 Added Data Domain device ping check to validate that the username and password are correct and a path to the device is accessible.
234458 DB2 wizard failing and db2diag.log showing a stack trace.
223174 Browsing save sets by clicking the save set button fails.
183463 Added menu item for virtual machines that cannot be protected.
175210 NMC backup status reports invalid input object error when saving custom report.
175093 Added AIX 32-bit POWER platform to accommodate more modules.
237245 Recover.exe and liblocal.dll fail during BBB recover from Fibre Channel Data Domain clone pool.
201608 NMM exchange level full backups change to recoverable, while dependent save sets are still browsable.
174133 Browse anomaly in selecting save sets of a client from client properties.
240243 nsrrpcinfo command fails.
239549 nsrvim binary runs on NetWorker server instead of the Hypervisor resource.
239358 NDMP save set cloning fails.
238847 Recovery of NAS snapshots fails with mounting error.
235785 Failed savegroup job missing savegrp progress attribute, delaying backup.
227391 Added functionality to query media database attribute snap_sessionid with mminfo command.
143589 Added functionality to automate the naming of backup clone pools created by the Device Configuration wizard.
223176 In the Recover wizard, the save time selection arrow displayed inconsistent results.
185715 "Create a new secure storage unit" input box not correctly grayed out.
174954 "Add to an existing group" section in the Configuration wizard lists only groups having snapshot enabled for NMM clients.
174867 When NMM EMCreports is run on a Hypervisor host, it does not issue the correct command to gather the save set list for Hypervisor CSV setup.
235643 Bootstrap SSIDs remain on AFTD beyond clretent period.
235187 nsrmmds is not assigned additional sessions after jobs completes.
203417 Unable to roll back NMDA point in time backup of DB2 on VMAX SRDF/Asynchronous R1 device.
198692 Unable to connect to server in NMC with memory allocation error.
234595 VMware protection policy details show another day’s backup information.
229042 nsrsnap_vss_save in a 25 node Hypervisor Windows 2012 R2 core setup fails.
225708 NetWorker failover on Red Hat Linux cluster when nsrd does not respond to rpcinfo –t.
222833 8dot3name setting is lost after a bare metal recovery restore.
204302 Failed to recover deletes original file or folder on file system.
239369 nsradmin crashes in visual mode when you try to create a new NSR Device resource.
242849 NPE error seen when trying to add a virtual machine to a policy using VMware view after upgrading from NetWorker 8.1 SP3 to 8.2 SP2.
242513 SCVMM plugin is unable to connect to the Networker server, showing an unknown server-type message.
242758 SCVMM is unable to perform a recovery of a CSV virtual machine or a Hyper-V standalone client.
203909 Fixed EMC logo graphic in SCVMM when a system is set to a supported screen resolution.

NetWorker packages are available at:, under “FULL RELEASE” option

After downloading the necessary binary, make sure it is the good build!