NetWorker update release

The sixth cumulative hotfix release for those who are using NetWorker version 9.0.
Please note that this cumulative hot fix can be installed as fresh installation or upgrade installation.

It is NetWorker Build 497

Cumulative hotfix in NetWorker includes generally the following fixes:


256576 nsrmmdbd leaks memory in priv_ngc_fetchss_range()
Solution either could not be currently found or is not available for viewing!

255006 (REOPENED) Build Warning for Package NwDbUnloadMsi should not appear.
Solution either could not be currently found or is not available for viewing!

254947 NW savegrp fails to handle add job due to case sensitive comparison for client name
Solution either could not be currently found or is not available for viewing!

254878 25721 Nw9: no updates from jobd over the message bus when conversion error occur
Solution either could not be currently found or is not available for viewing!

254786 25721 Nw9: duplicated session info records created for session updates with rm_jobid of 0

254211 nsrpost command performs an invalid check to determine if it is time to run already.
Solution either could not be currently found or is not available for viewing!

253568 Concurrent probe action fails with error "No probes defined for action probe"
Solution either could not be currently found or is not available for viewing!

252810 24416 scheduled NDMP cloning loops for 18 hours and hangs the system even though both source/destination clients are available

252100 Probe action shows "successful" even with invalid probe script
Solution either could not be currently found or is not available for viewing!

250719 nsrfsra core on SuSE 12
Solution either could not be currently found or is not available for viewing!

248784 PSS backups result in stale session information in NMC
Solution either could not be currently found or is not available for viewing!

NW_Console (NMC)

256489 26015 Cannot mark a saveset as recyclable in NMC: "Unable to start operation MDB_OP_CHANGE_SS_EXP" (CLI works)
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing!

255452 NMC Wizard: Java Nullpointer exception is thrown during creation of Saveset Query Group with Start time greater than End time
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing!

254709 Restart window is 12 hours for Preconfigured Workflows in NetWorker
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing!

253796 NMDA: RUI save set shown as FS backup when the savesets are in the clone pool only
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing!

253276 Multi-edit for start time does not update all relevant entries.
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing!

250556 Extended client Installed not displayed in the Client configuration wizard
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing!

246854 Help Window is not launched when clicked on "?" in "Perform the Recovery" page of Recovery wizard
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing!

245339 Port 242410: "The size of NDMP save set spanning multiple tapes reported under successfully completed section under Group details in NMC Monitoring tab is incorrect"
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing!

If you need a specific OS binary of this release, then make contact with EMC Technical support, and they will for sure give you the right thing you need.

These packages are also available at: /

Along with this version of NetWorker a new Cumulative Hotfix for NetWorker Module for Microsoft has been released. This release of NMM can be downloaded from 

After downloading the necessary binary, make sure it is the good build!