The third cumulative hotfix release for those who are using NetWorker version 8.2 SP3.
Please note that this cumulative hot fix can be installed as fresh installation or upgrade installation.
It is NetWorker Build 1132
Cumulative hotfix in NetWorker includes generally the following fixes:
261282 26472 NDMP backup is failing when the it tries to continue to second tape
261190 26426 (REOPENED) Networker ignores ‘Recovery Storage Node’ field and tries to read via wrong node
261005 nsrvba_save crashes in Policy_Ref::process_jobs_tree()
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing!
260489 26185 Since upgrading to v8.2.3.x, cloned savesets are changed to ‘eligible for recycling’ after nsrim runs
260310 26296 savegrp is spending 2hours in mmdb lookup before starting the backup command with NMM SQL VDI clients
260207 MMDB_ADD_FRAGMENT RPC does not always update the *ss clone retention attribute in mdb_saveset table
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing!
259962 26325 since upgrade to networker, networker cloning exceeding max defined sessions and causing backups to fail
259767 nsrhang can incorrectly match nsrdispd’s PID instead of nsrd
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing!
259537 26197 Cloning stalls and impacts backups, thousands of messages in daemon: ansrd NSR notice Unable to find save-set for host and save time ‘1461739445’
259355 26099 Networker nsrclone core dump in libDDBoost.dll
259056 Fix the regression caused by 247484
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing!
259029 26235 nsrwatch not showing correct save size information
257859 nsrsnmd fails nsrrpcinfo -t tests:
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing!
257531 25662 nsrexecd core dump after upgrade to client on AIX 7.1 CST/RSA
255113 23751 OS buffering of tape writes may result in out of order writes with writing filemarks with CDI
252745 25530 Networker server (nsrexecd) mutex hangs in msg_post()
250533 multiple nsrclone MLKs with DD devices
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing!
249002 esc 24105: Support the extended attributes for Solaris
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing!
248895 Add option to force IPv4 for index based recovery
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing!
NW_Console (NMC)
256795 25883 Multiple GUI Defects
250223 25284 NMC gui not able to add vm to policy VBA there are no polices available
249905 [regress]Client recreating with shortname
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing!
If you need a specific OS binary of this release, then make contact with EMC Technical support, and they will for sure give you the right thing you need.
These packages are also available at:
Along with this version of NetWorker a new Cumulative Hotfix for NetWorker Module for Microsoft has been released.
This release of NMM can be downloaded from:
After downloading the necessary binary, make sure it is the correct build!