NetWorker update release

The third cumulative hotfix release for those who are using NetWorker version 9.0 SP1.
Please note that this cumulative hot fix can be installed as fresh installation or upgrade installation.


NetWorker 9.0.x is very different from previous NetWorker versions. EMC highly recommends that customers take advantage of the upgrade and configuration services provided by EMC Professional Services and EMC Partners.

** Note: Professional Services assistance is recommended when first upgrading to a NetWorker 9.0.x version (from an older NetWorker version).
Applying a new cumulative to an existing NetWorker 9.0.x version does not require Professional Services assistance.

Please review the ‘NetWorker 9.0.x Recommendations, Training and Downloads for Customers and Partners’ document at for information on free NetWorker 9 training and how to obtain Professional Services assistance.

It is NetWorker Build 658

This Cumulative hotfix includes generally the following fixes:


265228 26313:PSS recovery performance is very low when executed from server side (NMC) in contrast to client side recovery (Winworker)
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing!

264343 26181:Scanner dumps core for NFS mount AFTD on Solaris Sparc

264427 26824:savepnpc coredump during direct save setup
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing!

264448 26794:NMC Recover GUI does not pass environment variable "NDMP_RECOVER_LIMIT=1" to NDMP recovery
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing!

262651 A lot of "database is locked" messages output during "mmrecov"(or nsrmmdbasm -r) – customer issue noted in ESC 26485
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing!

265171 26629:Fix from ESC 26185 does not revert savesets to not-recyclable permanently

262175 lg_array_find (linear search) may not find an element in the Record_cache
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing!

261596 intermittent lg_array utest failure
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing!

263676 CID 13416: Resource leak in nsrcap.c
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing!

265427 BBB: Windows BMR recover is failing
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing!

265587 lg_snprintf() returns -1 on truncation on some platforms
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing!

265655 26589:networker can not accept host names that have number of characters above 46

257877 26079:nsrvmwsd process on NW Server crashes when refreshing policy on backup tab on vCenter web client
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing!

65988 B-36349 : PPRP: Unable to list Snapable volumes in Networker 9.1 for PPRP file system
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing!

266060 26914:Report Details for NDMP clients reports 0 for both the "Size(MB)" and the "Number of Files"
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing!

266421 BBB: save core dump during mix mode backups
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing!

267273 nsrwatch crashes when trying to start a group without operator privileges
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing!

NW_Console (NMC)

259043 Property help of the recover wizard does not display help information for PassPhrase
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing!

250446 NMC Console: Error handling of Hostname field and text of Error message needs improvement
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing!

260247 CCW PPRP:NMC lists both Filesystems from PP RP and RP only enabled CG’s with PPRP workflow.
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing!

261161 No error validation happens when "max sessions" is taken less value then "Target Sessions"
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing!

262587 switching of workflow runs not working in the show details window
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing!

264997 NMC wizard for NSM clients, always resets the value for Mount Host
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing!

266153 26481:Override doesn’t work for "full first sunday every quarter" in Policy Action Wizard advanced options
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing!

255349 Start option should not be enabled if the association is not done
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing!

250824 BBB RecoverUI:Redirected recover of savesets cloned to tape is not working
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing!

255889 NMC Wizard: Saveset query group creation doesn’t take Leap year into consideration for Start & End Date
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing!

266971 27135:Legacy and new reports fail with error FATAL: Invalid value for parameter "TimeZone" "ART"
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing!


If you need a specific OS binary of this release, then make contact with EMC Technical support, and they will for sure give you the right thing you need.

These packages are also available at:

Along with this version of NetWorker a new Cumulative Hotfix for the following products have been released.

** NetWorker Virtual Edition **
This release of NVE can be downloaded from

**NetWorker Module for Microsoft**
This release of NMM can be downloaded from tp://

** NetWorker Module of SAP **
This release of NMSAP can be downloaded from

** NetWorker Module for Databases and Applications **
This release of NMDA can be downloaded from

After downloading the necessary binary, make sure it is the correct build!