The fifth cumulative hotfix release for those who are using NetWorker version 9.0 SP1.
Please note that this cumulative hot fix can be installed as fresh installation or upgrade installation.
NetWorker 9.0.x is very different from previous NetWorker versions. EMC highly recommends that customers take advantage of the upgrade and configuration services provided by EMC Professional Services and EMC Partners.
** Note: Professional Services assistance is recommended when first upgrading to a NetWorker 9.0.x version (from an older NetWorker version).
Applying a new cumulative to an existing NetWorker 9.0.x version does not require Professional Services assistance.
Please review the ‘NetWorker 9.0.x Recommendations, Training and Downloads for Customers and Partners’ document at for information on free NetWorker 9 training and how to obtain Professional Services assistance.
It is NetWorker Build 692
This Cumulative hotfix includes generally the following fixes:
269668 CCW does not allow selection of "EMC RecoverPoint for ProtectPoint" radio button if Solutions Enabler is not installed on client
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!
271057 Escalation 27324:NSM for VNX NAS. Snapshots are not being deleted from the VNX after clone with success
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!
269251 Escalation 27325:NAS snapshot shares remaining available from from the VNX and browsable with Windows explorer
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!
271572 Escalation 27287:NetWorker savegrp parallelism not being respected with minus values for ?saves are currently running new
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!
268911 when invalid port[characters] are given then number of issues found is more that actual number of issues.
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!
196935 NW device label length related error msgs needs improvement
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!
268820 Running nsrnassnapck crashes
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!
268509 nsrjobd is not including active session info job records in job tree via get_jobtree_by_id()
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!
268316 Escalation 27108: nsrlcpd core dumps when SCSI mode status page does not return a vendor name
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!
267901 [Coverity] Fix for bug 204353 can cause server hang
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!
260109 Escalation 26470 – failed client not listed on policy_notification.log
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!
270514 Turn off TBB support for Dell FluidFS (Rollback RFE Bug 268809)
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!
267465 nsrmmdbasm -s saves multiple instances of the mmdb per invocation
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!
267308 Escalation 26128:Active Directory user cannot log in to NMC. Unable to serialize authentication service token: Insufficient buffer size for token serialization
266958 B-36350 : PP_VMAX_SAPO- Not able to modify client using wizard on AIX client and Linux server with 8304
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!
266658 Cluster: Observing error after setting up cluster on NW
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!
270423 Client Push Escalation 27238 upgrade fails if extended client is installed
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!
265091 AutoSAT: nsrclone/nsrstage command with invalid server/volume does not show any error message.
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!
264817 Escalation 26950:Clone failing with error: nsrrecopy: server name does not match in rps_info_t
262691 Escalation 26695: render_logline() may attempt to render non-renderables messages resulting in a core dump
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!
262651 A lot of "database is locked" messages output during "mmrecov"(or nsrmmdbasm -r) – customer issue noted in ESC 26485
270075 The Client Push for NW client, NMDA, and NMSAP fails on linuxs390x, linuxppc64 and linuxppc64le packages
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!
269872 nsrwatch core dumps with segmentation fault when click on "Get info" for a failed Nemo policy
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!
271419 client push upgrade failing for windows client when client > 9.x
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!
268937 On cloudboost appliance nsrsnmd memory leak observed when server protection backup is triggered
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!
NW_Console (NMC)
270684 Escalation 27401:Use Persistent Names option cannot switch to enable on Japanese NMC
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!
270860 Escalation 27445:Stale sessions on the NMC GUI for jobs that are already completed
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!
273481 Java exception when creating a clone for "server backup"
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!
267492 Escalation 26785:NMC recover missing selected files to recover
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!
272077 Escalation 27232:NETWORKER: Clients that fail DNS are not showing up under workflow Monitoring in NMC as failed.
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!
272918 Upgrade: Unable to run recovery post upgrade (9.0.1 -> 9.1) which were recovered to a different destination path.
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!
261577 Escalation 26362:Workflow status on NMC shows the status of the previous run and does not get updated even if the last recent rerun was successful
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!
261551 GSTD not handling completed job updates from message bus if send after it is garbage collected
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!
If you need a specific OS binary of this release, then make contact with EMC Technical support, and they will for sure give you the right thing you need.
These packages are also available at:
After downloading the necessary binary, make sure it is the correct build!