NetWorker update release

The third cumulative hotfix release for those who are using NetWorker version 8.2 SP4.
Please note that this cumulative hot fix can be installed as fresh installation or upgrade installation.

It is NetWorker Build 1356

This cumulative hotfix includes generally the following fixes:


276242 28263 Very poor NetWorker performance after upgrading to
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

276074 nsrmmdbd crashes when trying to run nsrclientfix
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

275928 NSM : Every snap or clone copy are having an additional cbk copy entry in mminfo output
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

275815 28151 mmlocate returns "No locations found" message
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

275804 add Purify suppression directives for Linux to NWTOP/configs
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

275747 nsrwatch crashes when trying to load a tape slot
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

275707 28099 Tape Location not changed to blank value after deposit from library

275581 Client Push inventory fails when clients don’t have ksh installed
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

275572 improve transaction usage in nsrjobd
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

275571 Correct regression introduced under 266585 which can lead to failed mminfo queries when using "forever" times in queries
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

275317 27901 an NMC Alert is created even if a group is successful
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

275296 28032 NW experiences a delay in executing mminfo commands

274902 27857 recover on Exchange host with Client and NMM 8.2.3 when recovering a CIFS gets failed to create directory Win 32 error

273915 27815 Running a NAS device Discovery immediately after a backup does create an additional discovered snapshot
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

272706 NSM not deleting snapshots on Isilon vai scheduled group
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

270862 27445 Stale sessions on the NMC GUI for jobs that are already completed

269746 26679 issue (3/3): Other issues found in lcpd in communication with mmgd. Added more meaningful debug messages.
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

269740 26679 issue (2/3): lcpd does not recognized the return status from stlcmd during load/unload execution. .

268157 26679 issue (1/3): The timer setup for select() call is not at the right place that caused unnecessary operation timeout.
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

266700 nsr_pool(5) man page needs to note that pool names are not case sensitive.
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

265655 26589 networker can not accept host names that have number of characters above 46

238042 24235 save set All-ntfs does not backup Windows mountpoints
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!


NW_Console (NMC)

271445 27542 PORT REQUEST (NW137746) – NMC crash/failurel – Server cache size is too small for database "lgto_gst".
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

If you need a specific OS binary of this release, then make contact with EMC Technical support, and they will for sure give you the right thing you need.

These packages are also available at:

Along with this version of NetWorker a new Cumulative Hotfix for NetWorker Module for Microsoft has been released.
This release of NMM can be downloaded from

The README file in the above location has the list of hotfixes included in the release.

After downloading the necessary binary, make sure it is the correct build!