A formal hotfix is ready for the people who are using version 2.3 SP1 of Networker Module for Microsoft Applications (NMM), It might be useful to know that there is a new build release for this version.
It is release 2.3 SP1, Build 93.
If you are wondering why should you update your version to this release. Or with other words, what is fixed in this release?
Cumulative hotfix includes these main new fixes:
NW131426 – NMM 2.3 backups of SYSTEM COMPONENTS:\ hang on all Domain Controllers possibly due to memory leak.
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NW132099 – [URM00080133]Exch backups are failing with the error: "ERROR: A COM error occurred while validating the version of Exchange”.
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NW129230 – [URM00078525]MSExchange_Management.evtx, is getting filled with errors during Exchange 2010 backups.
NW129794 – Intermittent backup failures due to ‘lock 14’ errors on the symm. OPT365216/CQ 78576. Separate plans to testing the RM fix that was a concern last week.
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NW122591 – NMM System Components restore fails with error 0x80042301.
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This Hotfix contains these internal versions:
NMM rb_nmm22_sp1 Build 93
PowerSnap v2.5.1_NMM2.3_drop12 Build 44
RMAPI drop2
If you need this release then you can ask EMC support team through the email, or by the “Live Chat” from the EMC Powerlink site.
These packages are also available at: ftp://ftp.legato.com/pub/NetWorker/NMM/Cumulative_Hotfixes/2.3/
After downloading the necessary binary, make sure it is the good build!
I am running networker 7.6.3 nmm 2.3 Build 93. All the large save sets finish bit the small ones does not styart to backup
Hi javctn,
What are the save sets you are running (large/small)? (file system, Exchange, MS SQL, SharePoint).
Are the small save sets running on the same clients where the large save sets are running?
Generally with NMM there is many factors that can cause NMM strange behaviors.
I would advise to run the “NMM Config Checker” on the client using the NMM. Also always follow the NetWorker guide for installing and configuring Schedules/Groups/Pools/Clients/Save sats.