NetWorker 8.1 is released!

Yes people. “NetWorker 8.1 final release” is now accessible via EMC ftp site.

System configuration requirements for a dedicated NetWorker server

– Minimum system configuration requirements to be met when running the NetWorker
software on a dedicated NetWorker server. 
Note: If the following system requirements are not met, the performance of the NetWorker
software could be significantly affected or the NetWorker daemons might crash.



Features provided with base enablers


Additional features available with base enablers



The first release of NetWorker 8.1 has some hotfixes in compare to the Beta release.

It is release, Build 199, includes the following new fixes:

NW144437 NDMP Monthly (Full backup) clone hangs after reading a couple of volumes

NW143324 A pool cannot be modified and returns with blank pop-up after upgrading

NW143414 nsrvadp_save.exe crashes after upgrading

NW143616 NDMP History time is very large
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing!

NW144712 Encrypted hypervisor resource password can be deciphered using nsradmin

NW145267 nsrd crashes upon startup in Linux Red Hat version 6.2

NW146617 nsrvadp_save.exe faults on LIBVMDK.dll
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing!

NW149156 The nsrndmp_save command does not add the "NDMP_TAPE_BLOCK_SIZE" to the save set information, resulting in recovery failure

NW137746 Reports slow to load in NMC

NW139191 Configured clone jobs fail but nsrclone command works
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing!

NW139374 Unable to perform VADP incremental backups for some VMs with error “Could not obtain the drive letter for one of the drives”

NW142578 nsrcpd core dumps upon cross-platform software distribution
Solution either could not be found or is not available for viewing!

NW144230 nwrecover cannot be started from NMC, returns error “Unknown host”

NW144564 Nsrvadp_save crashes on proxy during VADP backup

NW146410 Recovery fails if VM has Physical Compatibility RDM disks

If you need a specific OS binary of this release, then make contact with EMC Technical support, and they will for sure give you the right thing you need.

These packages are also available at:


After downloading the necessary binary, make sure it is the good build!

enjoy it!

  2 comments for “NetWorker 8.1 is released!

  1. 2 files has the wrong “Rights” can’t download
    EBR-0.5TB- and nmda15-solaris_64.tar.gz

    • @Jocke… none of those you mentioned is NW 8.1 😉

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