NetWorker update release

The sixth cumulative hotfix release for those who are using NetWorker version 9.0 SP1.
Please note that this cumulative hot fix can be installed as fresh installation or upgrade installation.


NetWorker 9.0.x is very different from previous NetWorker versions. EMC highly recommends that customers take advantage of the upgrade and configuration services provided by EMC Professional Services and EMC Partners.

** Note: Professional Services assistance is recommended when first upgrading to a NetWorker 9.0.x version (from an older NetWorker version).
Applying a new cumulative to an existing NetWorker 9.0.x version does not require Professional Services assistance.

Please review the ‘NetWorker 9.0.x Recommendations, Training and Downloads for Customers and Partners’ document at for information on free NetWorker 9 training and how to obtain Professional Services assistance.

It is NetWorker Build 709

This Cumulative hotfix includes generally the following fixes:


274326 Escalation 27805:NSM for NAS device Snapshot clones have retention period set as 1/18/2038
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

273665 Escalation 27699:gstd NSR warning nsm: Initial jobs info RPC failed for server Check if RabbitMQ server is running!
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

272912 NSM_XIO: Unable to do a fbf or saveset restore from the PIT copy in a 3 node Windows setup
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

272653 Escalation 27644:Out of memory error pop-up error when displaying workflow details on the NMC – Monitoring tab
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

272521 [NetWorker] Escalation 27212 – nsrexecd core dumps usually when running file system backups on and
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

272289 BBB : Upgrade 9.0.1 -> 9.1 nsrbbb driver is not loading after upgrade
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

272151 Escalation 27321:NSM for VNX NAS. Unable to expire managed snapshots
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

271876 Escalation 27568:Unable to update media database state: Database is in use by host xxxx.
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

271382 web applications in Tomcat server should use java common truststore
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

269325 Support file browsing for NetApp Ontap 8.2.4 and above
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

269220 Escalation 27259:"Failure: I/O error on POST request for "https://localhost:9090/auth-server/api/v1/sec/config/ldaps":Read timed out; nested exception is Read timed out"
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

269073 BBB FLR from backup fails to mount saveset when same saveset reside in tape as clone
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

267534 Use of DD Cloud Tier with NetWorker can lead to data loss
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

266548 BBB: recover.exe is crashing during recover of CVFS saveset in Win Cluster setup
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

263359 DR scenario: Not able to add back cloud boost device after the NW server is back up
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

254848 AutoSAT: Deletion of recovered lockbox fails in Windows.
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

233075 no error reported for missing save set
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!


NW_Console (NMC)

274754 Online Help Integration for
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

274712 Directed restore fails if there is there is a space in the destination folder name
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

273495 Detail about MacOS 10.10 ,10.11, 10.12 and Windows 2016 is missing in browse ,OS and Jre Requirements page need to remove Solaris 12
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

272918 Unable to run/open recovery which were recovered to different destination.
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

272775 Escalation 27590:NetWorker 9.0.x Policy Schedule Override Automatically Changes "Fifth" Friday To "Last" Friday, Causing Conflict In 4 Week Months
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

272139 NPE generated in Java console when we do a key press on the policies table in monitoring tab
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

271166 Right click to cancel a policy workflow does not validate that the user wants to cancel.
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

267852 Device configuration wizard should allow to chose different SN name while configuring CB device
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

267144 Workflow start time is not set properly and so the duration is not shown correctly while in progress
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

265423 Error seen while performing some operations in the recover tab
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!


If you need a specific OS binary of this release, then make contact with EMC Technical support, and they will for sure give you the right thing you need.

These packages are also available at:

Along with this version of NetWorker a new Cumulative Hotfix for the following products have been released.

** NetWorker Virtual Edition **
This release of NVE can be downloaded from

**NetWorker Module for Microsoft**
This release of NMM can be downloaded from

After downloading the necessary binary, make sure it is the correct build!