NetWorker update release

The fourth cumulative hotfix release for those who are using NetWorker version 8.2 SP4.
Please note that this cumulative hot fix can be installed as fresh installation or upgrade installation.

It is NetWorker Build 1366

This cumulative hotfix includes generally the following fixes:


277976 Support for Upgrade to
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

277729 28467 clone operation failing with following error: *** glibc detected *** /usr/sbin/nsrclone: munmap_chunk(): invalid pointer: 0x00007f811addde91 ***
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

277174 28357 nsrmmdbd deadlocks when executing multiple bootstraps (nsrmmdbasm -s /nsr/mm/mmvolrel) at once
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

277077 28434 NW Server crashed and rebooted caused NW 9.1 media data base corruption end up deleted ALL save set from DDR

277036 Heap Corruption detected while running mminfo
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

276905 28357 nsrmmdbd deadlocks while deleting save set clones from a volume

276842 28217 nsrpost not using "server network interface" field
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

276733 28318 nsrwatch is displaying sessions that have completed for a single backup that has spanned multiple volumes
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

276589 28153 mminfo shows the sscomp time is one second before ssinsert and sscreate
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

276523 When mminfo fails to connect to a local nsrmmdbd "null" is reported for the server’s name
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

276472 nsrwatch fails to display clone jobs in Group and Policy Info windows
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

276471 27169 DDboost devices are not been automatically mounted when networker services are restarted

276285 Improve daemon log messages when nsrclientfix detects client ID map errors in the media database
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

275650 Client Push Reasons for inventory failure are not reported by nsrpush
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

275592 Client Push – nsrpush CLI provides "-I" option "Add packages to Clients" which is not implemented completely and should be removed.
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

275523 Client Push: File transfer sub-feature is broken and should be removed, dropping support for -Tx
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

275225 nsrpush doesn’t work with linux/unix distros mounting /tmp with noexec permissions
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

273480 27691 NSM for NAS: directed recover to mapped network drive is unsuccessful

272595 27692 clone job which routinely fails and generates a core dump
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

264092 Lock the AIX FS during snapshot operation with appropriate seconds proportionate to user provided snapshot timeout
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!

263075 When automatic multi-streaming is enabled and clone controlled replication is used it results in _ams directories remaining
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!


If you need a specific OS binary of this release, then make contact with EMC Technical support, and they will for sure give you the right thing you need.

These packages are also available at:

Along with this version of NetWorker a new Cumulative Hotfix for NetWorker Module for Microsoft has been released.
This release of NMM can be downloaded from

The README file in the above location has the list of hotfixes included in the release.

After downloading the necessary binary, make sure it is the correct build!