The fifth cumulative hotfix release for those who are using NetWorker version 9.1.
Please note that this cumulative hot fix can be installed as fresh installation or upgrade installation.
It is NetWorker Build 89
This Cumulative hotfix includes generally the following fixes:
277376 Add tape deposit/withdraw actions to nsrwatch
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!
277328 nsrdbsave can generate save command line arguments in wrong order
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!
277193 Unable to add licences to clusters: /nsr/lic folder missing
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!
277174 Escalationآ 28357:nsrmmdbd deadlocks when executing multiple bootstraps (nsrmmdbasm -s /nsr/mm/mmvolrel) at once
277085 nsrmmdbd does not propagate SQLite errors when it fails to fetch all save sets in priv_sqlite_fetchss_id6_6() which could lead to dataloss when recovering space on file devices
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!
277036 Heap Corruption detected while running mminfo
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!
277008 nsrmmdbd crashes when set to Debug=6,7,8,9
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!
276860 Escalationآ 28101:BBB Disaster Recovery for virtual synthetic full (incremental BBB) is at level incremental instead of level full
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!
276842 Escalationآ 28217:nsrpost not using "server network interface" field
276795 NW 9.1 – nsrlic in the non-interactive mode does not list the license information
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!
276733 Escalationآ 28318:nsrwatch is displaying sessions that have completed for a single backup that has spanned multiple volumes
276589 Escalationآ 28153:mminfo shows the sscomp time is one second before ssinsert and sscreate
276514 Escalationآ 27292:AD user getting "Unable to allocate memory" when creating client resource from the NMC -large-token
274814 script fails when the NW hostname starts with Numerical value
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!
272595 Escalationآ 27692:clone job which routinely fails and generates a core dump
NW_Console (NMC)
277109 Export to PDF for filtered results throws Null Pointer Exception
Solution either could not be found, no knowledge article associated with this defect, or is not available for viewing!
If you need a specific OS binary of this release, then make contact with EMC Technical support, and they will for sure give you the right thing you need.
These packages are also available at:
Along with this version of NetWorker a new Cumulative Hotfix for the following products have been released.
** NetWorker Virtual Edition **
This release of NVE can be downloaded from
**NetWorker Module for Microsoft**
This release of NMM can be downloaded from
After downloading the necessary binary, make sure it is the correct build!