NetWorker 7.6 SP1 is almost there

Hi Everyone,

Well, it is almost the time to see a new maturely version of NetWorker, with some new feature and enhancements.

This weekend I’ve managed to download and update my NetWorker server. And I was glad with the new things in the NMC. This would prove that EMC developer team begins finally to listen to the customers…

So what is changed or added to the NMC?

It has enhancements functionality for the already exist functions, beside the new ones, some examples:

1- Reports have "Avamar Statistics" and "DataDomain Statistics" in place of "NetWorker Deduplications Statistics".

2- In the "Groups window" under the "Monitoring Window" it has now two tabs, "Groups" and "Clones".

3- In the Configuration Window, you will find in the tree view a new Clone user interface option is available for scheduled clone operations. Now to be honest, this feature was a long time praying request from a lot of NW admin’s. And surprise, surprise, the prayers were really heard.

4- In the "Client Backup Configuration Wizard" there is a new window to configure "Backup Options" for Deduplication and Checkpoint Restart. You can find these new attributes under "General" and "Apps & Modules" tabs of the Client properties.

5- Under "Devices Window" in the tree view, you will find "Data Domain Systems" & "Avamar Deduplication Nodes" in place of "Deduplication Nodes". Where you can define new kind of disk devices in a very easy way to integrate the work between NetWorker and Deduplication Devices/Nodes…(Nice, I like it).

6- The Media Icons is changed….hahaha….But in the tree view you will be happy to see that "Volumes" has been divided to "Disk Volumes" and "Tape Volumes".

Beside the other enhancements and the new features. So people enjoy the new release.

Oh, if you would ask me, then this release will be available for download on the Powerlink?
Beats me..! but it is almost to be seen in the horizon.

  3 comments for “NetWorker 7.6 SP1 is almost there

  1. me again. it’s out. i downloaded everything and installed it w/o much sweat. i migrated from 7.3 to this version. i haven’t had a chance to play with the gui. i’m just someone who is excited about nsrwatch and nsradmin

  2. Happy to hear sp1 is out. I’m ready to hit the Download button if it shows up on Powerlink. I have all the upgrade steps worked out, just waiting for the latest 7/6 release.

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