The sixth cumulative hotfix release for those who are using NetWorker version 8.2 SP4.
Please note that this cumulative hot fix can be installed as fresh installation or upgrade installation.
It is NetWorker Build 1384
This cumulative hotfix includes generally the following fixes:
280452 Prune nsrmmdbd’s clone and volume caches daily to minimize excessive memory growth
There is no Knowledge article associated with this defect as it was discovered internally during QA.
280291 Add memory usage and CPU load to nsrwatch hang detection output
There is no Knowledge article associated with this defect as it was discovered internally during QA.
280006 28867 nsrd hangs for 45 minutes while bootstrap backup is performed
279780 28772 nsrmmdbd uses more memory on NW on Solaris
279683 27984 DFA to NFS fails for non-root users with NW client version up to 8.2.4.x
279115 nsrwatch crashes when display its library Slot Info window when the bytes written to a volume has exceeded the tape’s capacity
There is no Knowledge article associated with this defect as it was discovered internally during QA.
278785 BBB: VHDX attributes are not displayed in mminfo output for backups to DD device
There is no Knowledge article associated with this defect as it was discovered internally during QA.
278508 Add a new test tool to populate media database with arbitrary numbers of save sets, volumes and client ID maps
There is no Knowledge article associated with this defect as it was discovered internally during QA.
278408 28404 Performance issue in sending session statistics information during gstd poll.
There is no Knowledge article associated with this defect as it was discovered internally during QA.
278244 Dispatcher timed out while attempt to display vcenter content in VMware view
There is no Knowledge article associated with this defect as it was discovered internally during QA.
278018 Cleanup ssidinfo output and include all information from the ss_t structure
There is no Knowledge article associated with this defect as it was discovered internally during QA.
275964 26090 clone hang with error message "volume xxx ineligible for this operation"
269803 lgwstat reports only one character (little endian) of the path after in a failure case.
There is no Knowledge article associated with this defect as it was discovered internally during QA.
If you need a specific OS binary of this release, then make contact with EMC Technical support, and they will for sure give you the right thing you need.
These packages are also available at:
Along with this version of NetWorker a new Cumulative Hotfix for NetWorker Module for Microsoft has been released.
This release of NMM can be downloaded from
The README file in the above location has the list of hotfixes included in the release.
After downloading the necessary binary, make sure it is the correct build!